There are many options in the market but it is really a painful task to find the best vacuum cleaner for carpet and hardwood floor that will suit the best. Well, if you just keep a few aspects in your mind while choosing the best one for you it will be easier for you to choose the one that will obviously satisfy you. Different houses will require different issues regarding buying vacuum cleaners as they have different setups. But the common setups we can find are the carpet or hardwood floors. For both carpet and hardwood floors, some considerations must be fulfilled to get the best vacuum cleaner for carpet and hardwood floor. The blind going to buy vacuum cleaner may not only destroy all your money but also will be a destructive one for your floor. So a few noteworthy features will make the cleaner versatile for your carpet or hardwood floors.
In the following article, you are going to get some clear idea about the best vacuum cleaner for carpet and hardwood floor brands that suit perfectly for carpet or hardwood floors. Also, it has been tried to clarify some negative sites of those cleaners that will help you whether both the positive and a few negative aspects are going to be a perfect one for you or not.
Reviews of the best vacuum cleaner for carpet and hardwood floor
1. Dyson V6 Absolute Cord-free Vacuum:

The cord-free Dyson v6 cleaner has two cleaner heads that allow it to work better for both carpet and hardwood floors. The cleaner is a popular one and people are satisfied by its versatility and easy assembling capability.
Its full power can continue up to 20 minutes and easily can clean a smaller house in a single turn. Dyson v6 is one of the vacuum cleaner for carpet and hardwood floor.
It has the feature of HEPA filtration that make it capable enough to clean all dirts and dusts on the floors. The cleaner has a greater mobility for its cordless feature and can be moved around easily. This is one of the most affordable one with such amazing features.
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2. Dyson V6 Cord Free & Hassle Free Vacuum:

One of the most affordable choice in buying best vacuum cleaner in 2019 is Dyson V6 which is another version of Dyson V6 but more affordable than the previous one. It is a hassle free cleaner providing the simplicity of movement in the rooms as it does not use cords.
Small house cleaning process will have the best result if Dyson V6 cord free vacuum is chosen for that. Price is less enough facilitating the total cleaning process in different ways. The cleaner is also lightweight which augments its mobility more. It works better for small house comparing to big house. However, It will also bring satisfactory result in case of using for big result.
👉 Well, If you are tired of getting access to some corners in your rooms this great instance of Dyson V6 is for you. It will allow you making the cleaning process easier in the cleaning areas that are not easy to access.
👉 The wonderful feature of being lightweight increases its simplicity of bringing from here and there and works better in small house.
👉 It has a great mobility as it uses no cord. Thus while using in the room it is easy to use it. It has a convenient storage system and enough to bring all dusts in a room.
👉 Dusts under the furniture and other dust areas in a smaller apartments does not require more stress on muscles rather the upholsteries are easily vacuumed by its strong suction ability.
👉 The V6 motor is powerful enough to work continuously for 20 minutes spinning 110,000 times pm. So In case of smaller apartments the power is enough to work better in a single turn.
👉 Dyson V6 cord free vacuum cleaner has an efficient power button with greater battery saving capability.The powerful battery efficiency allow it to last longer and serve more days.
👉 The power button needs to be triggered as long as to work and this has no on or off button. This noteworthy feature helps to ensure that the cleaner is not misused while leaving it.
👉 Its dustbin capacity is less. So, it will work better for small apartments but for bigger apartments it needs some extra turns.
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3. Shark Rocket Ultra (HV302)- Lightest Upright Vacuum:

Lightweight feature of this cleaner works perfectly for both carpet and hardwood floors. This feature brings relief from the tiresome use of a weighty cleaner. It can easily be brought any corners in the rooms for its better performance. Shark rotator is another best vacuum cleaner for carpet and hardwood floor
One of the major reasons why people love to use this cleaner its workability for bare floors. It not only does good to the carpet and hardwood floors but also an reliable on to work better on bare floors.
Its amazing and exceptional features are the backbones behind its being so popular among the users. So why not you know more about it and have it in you house to serve your house floors.
- Shark Rocket Ultra-Light Upright Vacuum cleaner weighs 4.2 pound when the attachments are not available.But the attachments do not have that much impact on its weight together and this makes its lightweight feature.
- It is not a cord free machine.The cord is 27 feet length and there is nothing to be tensed about because it can easily be moved in a room.
- The machine has two cleaning modes. It performs better for both bare floors and carpets. The two cleaning modes are applicable for these bare and carpet floors.This feature of having different cleaning modes make it an exceptional choice from the others and people are satisfied with it.
- The cleaner has 10.5 inch nozzle for performing better on hardwood floors. The nozzle being 3 ft tall is reclinable that allows it to have better suction process. Thus the cleaner taking away dust from the difficult accessible spots is very advantageous.
- The motor power is 500 watt allowing a strong suction procedure for both carpet and hardwood floors.
- Brush roll used in case of cleaning carpets ensures deeper cleaning on the carpet. Storage system is easy in the procedure though bin size is not that much large.
- Though Shark Rocket Ultra has some attachments to be used, the attachments do not weigh much. It is flexible to use and can be a monster to the upholsteries on carpet floors.
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4. Shark Navigator Lift – Away (NV370) Professional Vacuum cleaner:

With a powerful motor, suction capability of this vacuum cleaner is a great feature. Bringing the cleaner in different suitable places is easy as this was a major issue in the earlier days of using vacuum cleaner.
All dirts are sucked easily with its powerful motor and storage system is also satisfactory as its canister is large enough to carry dust. For making the process more portable the canister is easily detachable. This cleaner is an affordable one and this will not disappoint you and will perform as you desire.
Shark navigator professional vacuum cleaner may be a suitable choice for your carpet and bare floors.
- The magical feature of having every direction cleaning capability, Shark Navigator vacuum cleaner has earned popularity and its unique features are attracting more people day by day.
- It has a swivel wheel that helps to make cleaning performance perfect and satisfactory. The wheel allows the steering to work in all direction. Thus the cleaning process is perfectly continued.
- It performs for both carpet and bare surfaces. Not a lot of vacuum cleaner performs as Shark Navigator Lift-Away Professional Vacuum cleaner does.
- One of the attractive features of Shark Navigator Lift-Away Professional Vacuum cleaner is-it has a HEPA filtration system. This HEPA filtration procedure makes easier to suck all kinds of dirt on the floors. You can use the cleaner in various places that are hard to reach around your room.
- Sometimes it becomes difficult for a normal cleaner to clean the pet hair from the floor. This task is easily done by Shark Navigator as it does not navigate with any kinds of dirt. Your floor will definitely be free from dust by its missionary acts on the floor.
- The 1200 watt motor is very powerful and acts like a monster for the dirt on the floor. The floor is easily cleaned with a few minutes use of the cleaner. You can surely rely on it for better performance against all kinds of floor dirt.
- Residents in the allergic places may get relief of their floor dirt by using Shark Navigator Lift-Away Professional Vacuum cleaner. Thus an allergic floor will turn into a suitable one for you as you desire to keep it.
- Very few vacuum cleaners are having such wonderful features as Shark Navigator has and the best part of it goes to the navigating capability at different hard areas on the floors. So, why not you go and find more attractive features of Shark Navigator Lift-Away Professional Vacuum cleaner.
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5. Hoover Vacuum Cleaner Air Lift 20 Volt Lithium-Ion Cordless Bagless Upright Vacuum BH51120PC – Upright Vacuum Cleaner

This cleaner is bagless and has some special technological features that has made it a great choice for vacuum cleaner users. All floor dirts hiding in different corners are easily removed by its perfect suction procedure.
The rinse filter is a noteworthy gift in it because it allows easy cleaning of the machine.WindTunnel 3 technology in it has made it a special choice for removing floor dirts. Besides its larger bin size is capable enough to bring a large amount of wastages.
Comparing to the other vacuum cleaners Hoover Air Cordless Series vacuum cleaner is perfectly workable for both carpet and hardwood floors.
- As it is already said that the cleaner is bagless, this feature has made it easy and hassle free in bringing from one place to another place.
- The cord free feature assures easy bringing to different areas in a room or house. It easy mobility differentiates from the other similar products.
- Also people are attracted by its futuristic design. The design beauty attracts people at the first glance and its unique features make people amazed later on.
- It has a large canister allowing it to carry a large amount of wastages. Bin size is 1.05 litre that contributes a lot to the overall performance of the machine.
- As the motor is powerful enough, it can perform 50 minutes cleaning your house floors and it has two lithium batteries which has made the cleaner a stable one while performing.
- Your 2500 sq feet floor will easily be cleaned at a time. It can work longer with a single charge. The battery life of the cleaner lasts longer comparing to that of others.
- It has an LED light that will signal the battery life. And you can easily recharge though a single charge is enough to satisfy your task.
- The bagless feature of the cleaner saves both money and time. You need not to change or buy bags and this will obviously save your money and time.
- So why not you go for choosing this marvelous vacuum cleaner for your floor dirts and lead a clean life in your sweet home.
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6. Bissel 9595A Vacuum cleaner for hardwood floor:

This Bissel 9595A vacuum cleaner does not work for room floors only, it performs better for house stairs also. It can easily be brought from one place to another place in your house in order to use it for floors and stairs.
Bissel 9595A cleaner is a lightweight machine and does not require much stress on your muscle while using it for cleaning under furniture and other hard areas in your house. Bissell 9595A is the vacuum cleaner for carpet and hardwood floor.
Its turbobrush will simply remove all upholsteries from different areas and make your room clean.
Though it uses cord but easy enough to satisfy your cleaning process and easily usable in a room.
- The cord is 25 feet in length. So you are getting the opportunity to clean areas within its radius with no hazard.
- People love to use this Bissel 9595A vacuum cleaner for its affordable price. You will be amazed to see its performance with such affordable price.
- The filter it contains is easily washable and reusable. Easy washing of the filter allows it to get rid of different kinds of dirts properly and within a short time.
- It works properly for both carpet and hardwood floors. With buying this single vacuum cleaner you can be free from tension of keeping your both types of floors.
- Brushing tool for floor dusts gives the cleaner an opportunity to perform better. Besides action technology is a noticeable one to attract its users.
- The cleaner does not stop working when almost full dusts are there. It does not require repeated passes on the same spots, rather a single operation is enough to shine the spot.
- Another noteworthy feature of Bissel 9595A Vacuum cleaner its ability to rotate ninety degrees. This rotating capability makes it better in sucking the dirts from different directions.
- The filters can be easily cleaned after each time use. Thus it helps the vacuum cleaner to stay safe and perform better in the next use. Besides, it is very simple to understand that the careful use of any machine may help it last longer.
- Bissel 9595A is a great choice with its shining capability to satisfy you in its single day of use. So, if are looking to have a vacuum cleaner with an affordable price, then Bissel 9595A is for you.
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Well, we hope that by this time you have a clear idea about some of the best vacuum cleaners in 2019. Obviously your choosing will require some aspects to be fulfilled like affordability, warranty, noising level and others. But we have tried our best to deliver enough informations about the cleaners so that it will be easier for you to choose the suitable one for you.
Your all hard earned money may go in vein if you do not get your desired one. You must not go blindly to buy vacuum cleaners rather having an overall idea about the popular and affordable cleaners will save your money and time.
- To keep you safe from fraudulent you can simply take seriously the below considerations while buying a perfectly workable vacuum cleaner for you:
- Your house flooring system and what kind of cleaner may suit the best
- Your price limit and researching to find the desired cleaner within this limit
- Suction strength of the cleaner
- The capacity of the bins.
- To observe carefully whether the cleaner is able to reach the hard corners of your floors or not.
You will find hundreds of vacuum cleaners for carpet and hardwood floor
in the market but in order to find one from them that will satisfy you more, we have shortlisted six from. Our hard work of enlisting different vacuum cleaners would be fulfilled if it helps you to choose your workable one. thank you read our article best vacuum cleaner for carpet and hardwood floor.